
Charity Sewing Inspired by Nancy Zieman

We Carry

Do your family members own more than 5 quilts per person? Do your friends wonder how many more potholders or table runners they could possibly gracefully accept from you? If this is the case, then maybe its time to turn your sewing talents toward new avenues! There are many charity sewing opportunities available worldwide and in our own backyard that could benefit greatly from your sewing gifts. The charities listed below are only the beginning. We have provided the links to help you explore their cause and to the instructions to make the items. Hopefully you can find one or two charity sewing items that will tug on your heart strings.

At our recent Sewtopia Sewing Club, we highlighted some charity sewing opportunities needed in our area. About a year ago, I started a list of websites that provided free patterns and information for fun charity sewing projects. There are so many charities that can use our sewing skills. From Dress a Girl Around the World, Superhero Capes, the 1 million Pillowcase Challenge, Chemo hats and turbans, Walker Caddies, Alzheirmer’s Activity Mats, Project Linus, Quilts of Valor, Days for Girls, Pretty Pockets for drainage bulbs, Sara’s Charity Gift Bags, to making custom baby gowns for final photos and burial services out of wedding dresses through Angel Gowns. The list goes on and on.

  1. After reading about Angel Gowns, I was extra inspired when I won a wedding dress for $20 off Ebay!

Angel Gowns are custom made baby gowns made for final photos and burial services of tiny infants. We contacted our local Children’s Hospital and were told of the much needed gowns for grieving parents. What a great way to transform a wedding gown and repurpose it for an extra special purpose.


Sanford’s Contact Person: Pam Koepsell, Pediatric Palliative Care Clinical Nurse Specialist at Sanford Health, Sioux Falls, SD 605-312-3938 or

After speaking to Pam Koepsell, she has requested three things if you want to make gowns. First, make them small. The smaller the better. Second, gowns with ties in the back are the best. And third, if possible include a small matching wrap or 8 – 12″ square mini-blanket matching the baby gown for a keep sake for the parents. This third item is not required but much appreciated.

Finished gowns can be dropped off at the Sanford Children’s Hospital – Attention: Pam Koepsell

2. Nancy Zieman’s Charity Links – Capes 4 Heros

Nancy Zieman has a wonderful collection of charity sewing ideas that could use your sewing talents. Included are links to many free sewing patterns used for the projects. Quoted from her website:
“Change lives one stitch at a time with your creative kindness
All it takes is your willingness to share your sewing talents to make the world we live in a more caring place. Download free patterns for charity or order a kit today. Support a child you’ve never met, bring loving warmth to a senior, or comfort someone in need. Call the organizations in your community to ask how you can help. Or, give to one of the many groups working in locations throughout the world.”

One that was fun to make were Capes 4 Heros. Making capes for kids can make them feel like a super hero even when their situations don’t feel so great.

Click here to learn about The Hero Project

Activity mats are designed to safely stimulate and soothe people with Alzheimer’s, dementia, autism, ADD, head trauma , or persons recovering from strokes. Our activity mats are made by volunteers and donated to care facilities and caregivers.
If you have young children at home you know how they collect do-dads from various toys, birthday parties and school art projects. The “junk” can pile up quickly. Every 6 months or so, I take a shovel to my six year olds room and put these items in a tub in the basement. Usually, she doesn’t miss them at all, but I keep them for awhile just in case she calls me out on something and asks, “Where is my…?” These are exactly the kind of items that can be used in the Alzheimer’s or Dementia patients activity mats. Just be sure to sew them on extra secure so the items have a chance of stays in tact.
In conclusion, I am one to always recommend looking just outside your front door to see were the need is. It is always closer to home then we realize. I hope you will click on a few of the links above and see where your sewing Super Powers can be put to use through charity sewing.

Contact local organizations in your area to see how you can help.

  • Children’s Hosipals
  • Emergency Services
  • Senior Centers & Nursing Homes
  • Cancer Treatment Centers
  • Women’s Shelters
  • Veterans’ Organizations