
Sara Cleans Her Sewing Room Closet

We Carry
by Sara Snuggerud in Sewing Tips

January always gets me inspired to make New Years Resolutions and to work on getting rid of stuff I don’t need. My sewing closet can be the dumping ground for leftover fabrics, half sewn stage-samples for classes and anything else I just don’t want to look at or trip over. Since my voice was still recovering from a recent cold, doing videos was out of the question. I had no excuse, it was time to tackle the sewing closet!

Sewing Closet Before


Since I get distracted easily, I decided to use the power of video to keep me focused. It felt like someone was watching me the whole time! What would they think? Should I keep this or throw it away?

It took me 7 minutes to empty the closet and a total of 1 hour 31 minutes to complete!

After a recent trip to IKEA in Minneapolis, MN, I found some cheerful (cheap) cardboard boxes to help me with my journey. The bright pink, yellow and black colors were just what the doctor ordered. They are from the TJENA collection. TJENA collection

As you can see by the final result, everything fits, has its own place and hopefully I can keep things in their designated space.

Sewing Closet After


A special thank you to Kathi Lipp’s facebook page for getting me going. Check out her book “Clutter Free”. #clutterfree