Visit to view our how to videos on your Bernina, Husqvarna Viking or Pfaff Sewing Machines
Looking for an excuse to play hooky? Come to our one-day sewing retreat.
You asked for it! We booked it!
We’ve created a new space for you to PLAY. Come by and see what we’ve got planned: a full day of quilting, embroidering, sewing, or serging at our brand-new Heirloom Creations Event center. Located at 4020 S Hawthorne Ave, Sioux Falls, SD – one block behind the Heirloom Creations retail store.
Teacher assistance is available for ANY project. Lots of space, amazing lighting, and windows! Call a friend and book a day to PLAY.
We now offer free sewing machine valet from 8:30am – 9:00am. Pull up between the marked cones and let us unload your sewing machine and project tub/bag. Park your car, walk right in, and pick your seat. Watch this video to see how it works. ⬇️
This is the perfect place to work on your current project! Complete with 6′ tables, convenient plug-ins, iron stations, rotary cutting stations (bring your own rotary cutter) coffee, microwave, and kitchen. Our event center easily accommodates up to 33 people.
What Should I Bring?
Fee: $20, RSVPs required