Imagine you design a quilt block. Imagine it’s not a 12″ quilt block… it turns out to be a 17 foot quilt block!
This is not just a dream for one Heirloom Creations’ customer who entered and won the 2016 National AccuQuilt Block Design Contest. Not only will Terri Vanden Bosch of Doon, IA win a monstrous grand prize package, a 17′ replica of her quilt block “Point of View” will be mounted on the front of AccuQuilt’s headquarters in Omaha, NE and displayed for an entire year. Terri’s block will be so big it will be visible from the interstate while driving north on I-80 through Omaha, NE!
Heirloom Creation is also a winner in this contest because Terri Vanden Bosch selected Heirloom Creations as her official AccuQuilt Signature Dealer. Heirloom Creations will receive a special AccuQuilt sponsored event and education program to host in the store in the near future. Watch for upcoming announcements of event date and details! Thank you Terri for selecting Heirloom Creations as your favorite AccuQuilt Signature Dealer.
Terri is an avid sewer, a professional long arm quilter and owner of Lizard Creek Quilting.
Picture Update: 6-18-16
I draw my inspiration for quilt designs from… I tend to draw inspiration from emotions and words first, trying to pin down the overall mood that I want the quilt to convey and taking into consideration who, what and how the quilt is going to be used. Then I start looking for blocks that have those same words or emotions in their name and their block make-up. I do this by using the search category capabilities in EQ7 and Block Base–which I couldn’t live without. I then play around with the blocks that came up in the search and after a day of trying different settings, layout and colors the one with the right feeling will always make its’ voice heard.
Terri’s block will join a small handful of past AccuQuilt Block Design Contest winners. Below are a few of the past winners we were able to find online.
The runner-up winner of the 2016 AccuQuilt Block Design Contest was also from IA. Marybeth Pusillo of Marshalltown, Iowa was the runner-up and she designed Flying Petals.
And Reed Johnson of Largo, FL., was the AccuQuilt Block Design Contest fan’s choice winner and he designed the creative Grandma’ s Necktie Garden.
From the AccuQuilt Block Design Contest Judges:
“We are looking forward to seeing Terri’s design greeting us daily as we head into our offices.
Terri will be publicly acknowledged at the AccuQuilt Block Design Contest unveiling event on Thursday, June 9, 2016 at 3pm. She and many other retreaters from the AccuQuilt Let’s GO! Quilting Retreat will watch as her quilt block design is unveiled. We look forward to meeting Terri, and we know she is excited to meet our special guest, legendary quilter Eleanor Burns.
Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s contest!”