What is SewingMastery.com?
We take sewing machines, open them up and film a short YouTube video on every topic on every page of the manual. Whether you have owned your machine for one week or five years, there is so much we forget. SewingMastery.com is here to help you remember and use every part of your sewing machine, embroidery machine or serger.
SewingMastery.com is not meant to replace your local dealer. But even I, Sara Snuggerud, the one who filmed all 2,400+ videos, forgets how to do something on a particular machine model. At least I knew I could always go back and look up the information.
Which Machines are Available Now?
Currently we have posted the following models:
Bernina 215
Bernina 330
Bernina 350
Bernina 380
Bernina 530
Bernina 550
Bernina 560E
Bernina 710
Bernina 770E
Bernina Sergers
Bernette Sewing Machine
Husqvarna Viking E-10
Husqvarna Viking E-20
Husqvarna Viking Emerald 116
Husqvarna Viking Emerald 118
Husqvarna Viking Opal 670
Husqvarna Viking Opal 650
Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 930
Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 960Q
Husqvarna Viking Ruby
Husqvarna Viking Diamond
Viking Sergers
Pfaff Passport 3.0
Pfaff Performance 5.2
Brother CS6000i
Singer Heavy Duty 4423
Why So Many Videos?
We have learned that short 1-3 minute videos are what people want to watch. Most of us don’t want to wade through a 45 minute video just to figure out how to move the needle or how to sew a buttonhole. With shorter videos on a searchable list, you can watch the videos you are interested in when you need them and come back later for the others. If you want to watch them all, we have placed them in an easy to understand order such as machine set up, selecting stitches, tension questions at the beginning of the list with the more detailed techniques such as tapering and smocking stitches toward the end.
Use SewingMastery.com BEFORE Buying a New Sewing Machine
Take time to watch videos about a machine you are considering purchasing. Does it offer everything you want to use it for? Or should you look at the next model up? When investing in a sewing machine, give yourself “growing in room”. Because once you have a wonderful new sewing machine, you will want to tackle more advance projects. Will you be sad you settled for less? Or will you be happy you selected the model with a few extra perks!
What if I Own an Older Model?
At this time we will be focusing on current machines available as of 2013 and forward. We suggest watching a variety of videos already made for your brand’s machine to learn helpful information that can be applied to most sewing machine models.
Ways You Can Use SewingMastery.com?
After taking your hands-on classes from your sewing machine dealer, use these videos to keep your newly learned information fresh in your mind. If you have owned your machine for many years, these videos will remind you of many features you probably have forgotten about.
What About Other Brands of Machines?
We are an authorized sewing machine dealer for Bernina, Husqvarna Viking and Pfaff sewing machines. Since we have unlimited access to these sewing machine models we will be focusing on completing these videos first.
Are You a Sewing Machine Dealer?
You are welcome to use this site in any way you wish! Share it with your new sewing machine owners. Share it with machine owners who need a refresher course. Even use it to train new employees!
NOTE: You still need to adhere to your sewing machine manufacture’s contract commitment to offer hands-on classes to everyone who purchases a machine from your store.
Do You Live Outside the USA?
We receive many sewing machine questions via e-mail from people needing help who live in other countries outside the USA. Through broken English and GOOGLE translator (Thank You Google!!!) we have helped numerous people use their sewing machines to continue on their creative journey.
Closed Captioned for Hearing Impaired
For our customers who are hearing impaired, we have had many of our videos professionally transcribed. This will allow text to be flow along with the video images for a higher learning option. Please use YouTube’s Closed Captioning feature to help learn your sewing machine’s wonderful features.
How SewingMastery.com Got Started
What started as “Hey, you should do a couple videos on these machines,” has turned SewingMastery.com into an International resource for sewing machine users with over 2,400 videos on 43 different sewing machines models spanning five different sewing machine brands.
Let me back up a few years. Steve, my inspiring husband and the man with a million ideas all before breakfast presented me with two options one morning.
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Thank You!
Thank you to all the SewingMastery.com fans who have encouraged up to continue posting new sewing machine tutorials on new machines. If we have not yet filmed the exact model you own, know that it is on the list! Watch as new machines get filmed by following us on Facebook or sign up for the SewingMastery e-mails.
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