Heirloom Creations recently hosted an OESD Super Spree event. This 2-day hands-on embroidery event introduced attendees to new embroidery techniques as well as an amazing new way to purchase embroidery designs.
OESD’s Super SPREE club is a special embroidery design savings club offered exclusively through retail stores like Heirloom Creations. This program allows you to get the newest exciting embroidery designs delivered via a…
No more transferring designs!
OESD’s Super SPREE club program allows you to get the newest exciting embroidery designs delivered directly to your local store on a ready-to-use USB Stick.
OESD Super SPREE club includes:
- 5 monthly collections
- 4 Collector’s Edition sets
- 4 Seasonal Bundles
- 4 bonus project collections
The annual subscription cost is $999 or $83.25 plus tax each month with approved credit through Heirloom Creations.
Fequently Asked Questions about the OESD Super SPREE Club
Q. What is Super SPREE Club?
A. OESD’s Super SPREE Club (Special Pricing Reserved for Embroidery Enthusiasts) is a special embroidery design savings club to our exclusively to our Super SPREE event attendees. This program allows you to get the newest exciting embroidery designs delivered directly to your local store on a ready-to-use USB Stick.
Q. What do I get?
Each month, you will receive a MINIMUM of five embroidery collections on a ready-to-use USB stick. These will be the newest releases from OESD. Each month, the retail value of these collections is at least $150. That’s a value of $1800!
You will also receive four NEW Collector’s Edition design sets throughout the year. In April, you will receive our “Spring in Your Stitch” collection valued at $49, and in each of the months of September, October, and November, you will receive our annual Holiday Celebration collections, each valued at $69. That’s a bonus of over $250! Our Collector’s Edition sets are our most popular collections!
You will get four bonus project collections throughout the year. These project collections are valued between $15 and $25 each, and include project instructions to create fun and easy embroidered projects and gifts.
You will receive 4 seasonal bundles of 10-15 designs each. Each of these bundles is valued at $20 or more. That’s an average value of $80!
Q. What types of designs are included?
A. Your design selection will be a combination of quilting, appliqué, classic embroidery, freestanding lace, tiling scenes, and project collections. You will receive at least four from each of these categories throughout your SPREE club year.
Q. How do I know what designs I’m getting?
A. Since SPREE club designs are NEW every month, your event presenter will show you the first month’s collections. Each month when you receive your USB stick, you will also receive a preview of the upcoming month’s designs.
Q. How do I know I’m not picking designs I’ll get in my monthly subscription?
A. Your monthly club selections are from OESD’s NEWEST designs each month, so simply select your bonus collections from our existing on-line library.
Q. What does the program cost?
A. Annual membership in SPREE club is only $999 per year, or $83.25* per month. The retail value of your annual SPREE club membership is OVER $2600 – that’s a savings of at least 60%!
Q. How do I sign up?
A. Use the club registration form to sign up for OESD’s Super SPREE club. Be sure to include your phone number and email address so your local store can contact you when your ready-to-use USB stick arrives each month.
Q. How do I sign up for the monthly billing option?
A. Simply provide your credit card information on our secure online registration form. OESD will split your annual membership fee into 12 equal monthly payments. There is no extra charge for this monthly billing option, and no need to apply for credit!
Click here to see the latest SPREE Club collections
Over 66% of our event group signed up for the OESD Super SPREE Club.
Here are some of their comments:
“The OESD embroidery designs sew out so much smoother and elegantly than my other embroidery designs.”
“I like the idea of being able to insert my OESD Spree Club USB stick directly into my machine when I receive it.”
“Storing 12 USB sticks takes up less space than all my embroidery CD’s.”