
Sticky Build-Up on Your Needle?

We Carry
by Sara Snuggerud in Archives


As many of you are gearing up for your holiday sewing, this is a perfect time to take a needle inventory. Do you have the correct assortment for all your projects? One needle I would not want to be without EVER is a Stretch Needle.

There are times when some fusible webs, interfacing, or fabric sprays will start to build up a nasty, gummy wad at the top of a sewing machine needle. And before you know it, the thread starts breaking or the machine starts to skip stitches or even both! Stop – don’t blame the sewing machine!Sometimes it is hard to know how a new fusible web or spray will act when in contact with a metal needle. Many times you have already spent hours getting everything perfectly positioned and pressed in place and starting over is not one of your options. The solution can be a STRETCH NEEDLE! This specially coated needle cuts down the friction that often leads to the gummy build-up from these gooey fiends. Schmetz stretch needles are even color coated with a yellow top for quick visual reference.

I have often referred to these needles as a “911″ needle – a great needle to always have in the sewing room in case of a sewing emergency.Try stretch needles when sewing through rubbery items such as Lycra and elastic. And my most favorite use of a stretch needle would be for sewing through Velcro! Remember getting messy, uneven stitches the last time you sewed through a piece of Velco? A stretch needle will solve a host of unsightly stitching problems!

Until next week, may all your sewing be fun and all your stitches be straight!

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