In South Dakota, summertime means the sun stays up well past 10pm, eating dinner outdoors, city pools are open for only 14 short weeks and every kind of festival possible is jammed into a limited amount of weekends.
In other words, less time is spent in our sewing rooms.
(Unless it’s blistering hot and no one wants to be outside, then we sew).
While our sewing machine take their own version of a summer siesta, they too are awaiting the arrival of the fall and winter sewing season. Once temperatures dip into the overnight 30’s or 40’s, sewer’s minds start wondering back to where they left off on those last sewing projects.
Here are 5 things your sewing room needs before fall.
1. Have your sewing machines serviced during the summer months.
Sewing machine service departments around the country are usually less backed up during the summer months. You still have time to get your sewing machine serviced before everyone else backs up the service lines. By moving your annual sewing machine service to a summer month, your new wait-time will have your sewing machine in and back home in no time.
Having your machine serviced while on a summertime vacation is also a good idea too.
2. Drop off all scissors and rotary cutting blades to be sharpened.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have like-new equipment all in place when you finally get back to sewing? Gather up every scissor and rotary blade you own for their own spa treatment. You might as well take a trip through your kitchen before you come, because we sharpen kitchen cutlery too. Sharpening service is an overnight experience. They will be all back to you the following day. Live out of town? We are happy to ship home your complete pack of newly sharpened sewing and cooking utensils.
3. Take a needle inventory.
See what types of needles you are running low on. Do you have plenty of serger needles on hand? What about embroidery needles? Stock up for the season so you do not have worry about running out of needles. Here is a link to all our needle videos so you can make sure you are using the correct needle for the project.
4. Sewing project inventory. (Where did you leave off)?
Revisit the projects that did not get finished from last year? Do they still appeal to you or are they already outdated? Gather up patterns, fabrics, and supplies for each in-progress project to be sure nothing got lost during the summer months.
5. Make a list of holiday sewing projects you want to finish for the holidays.
Now is a perfect time to set up a sewing schedule for your holiday gift giving to make sure you have plenty of time to get projects completed. Remember last year? Where you sewing like a mad woman or man? Let’s rethink some realistic goals for holiday completion.
Have you lost a little of your sewing mojo this summer? Check out one of these online Craftsy classes that Sara recommends.
As kids get ready to go back to school, are you ready to get back to sewing? There are probably many more items to include.
What would you add to this list? Add a comment below of something your sewing room needs before fall.
New flooring?
New coat of paint?
Let us know below!